Bow Vinyl Windows
Things to consider when ordering Bow Windows
- For Bow windows, we can use several combinations of casement vents, double hung vents, or dead lite picture windows. All vent windows include aluminum screen cloth as standard. Fiberglass wire is available but there is no reduction in price.
- Bow windows must be properly supported by knee brackets, overhead support cables, existing structures, or by other appropriate means. The weight of the Bow window must be transferred to a structural member capable of supporting the weight. Failure to properly support Bow windows may void the product warranty.
- Minimum width of any operable casement section is 13" ; maximum is 36". Overall casement component size limitations are as they appear on the Westview Casement window price list.
- All Components in the head, seat, and jambs will be white 1-1/4" Cellular PVC which can be painted.
- Top (head), bottom (seat), and jambs are furnished with bows and bays. Roof is furnished by others.
- Use total unit area and not glass area only to compute optional glass add on pricing. Please see catalog section 22 for add on glazing options and pricing.
All orders for Bow windows must be in writing. Telephone orders will be noted but must be confirmed in writing. Please supply information as follows:
- Opening size (West Window will deduct 1/2" in width and height to allow fit in opening.)
- Jamb or wall thickness (4" minimum)
- Projection (Distance from outside wall surface to exterior front of bow or bay)
- Unit depth (Wall thickness plus projection)
- Number of lites (bows only)
- Number and location of vents
Grid or no grid - Type of glass (See catalog section 22 for add on glazing options and pricing.)
- Type of screen (Aluminum wire is standard. See catalog section 22 for screen options.)
- Color (White or Tan)
- Knee brackets, overhead :supports, or no supports (See preceding page for pricing)
- Other special items
Glass so smart, it can control the comfort of your home...
Bay Window - Top View
Bow Window - Top View